CEO Bill Kerr, MD’s Message to Clients Regarding COVID-19

COVID-19 virus

To our Clients and Partners,

On behalf of Avalon, we hope that your family, friends, team members, and plan members are safe and
healthy as we all work together to slow the spread of COVID-19. The health of our nation and the world
is of the utmost priority at this time. As the industry’s only comprehensive Laboratory Benefit Manager, we
clearly understand the importance of appropriate laboratory testing access and use.

To assist you, we continue to stay abreast of the ramp up in COVID-19 testing availability. We have
identified labs that are approved to perform testing, are working to expand capacity, and are identifying
appropriate pricing. The testing is complex and although there were few labs that could execute initially,
most of them were already in Avalon’s network. We facilitated a discussion between FDA Commissioner,
Dr. Steve Hahn and our Clinical Advisory Board Chair, and University of Washington School of Medicine’s
Department of Laboratory Medicine’s chair, Dr. Geoff Baird, that resulted in a more efficient COVID-19
testing approval process. Avalon is also in contact with US Representative Gus Bilirakis, member of the
Health Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, regarding funding priorities to
support the management of COVID-19 and maintaining system capacity to treat all patients.

We also realize that the supply chain, billing, and reimbursement infrastructure is essential to your plans
and working with your laboratory networks. Avalon is keeping up to date with the coding and testing
reimbursement procedures. Attached is the Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) pricing information
that was recently released.

Over the weeks ahead, we will work together and learn from each other to take the needed steps to limit
the spread of this virus and protect our communities. Avalon is committed to providing you with
information that can help your plan lead and be there for your members.

Below is a list of reputable sources that are being updated frequently:
• CDC:
• World Health:
• WorldOMeter:
• John Hopkins University Medical:

Please let us know if you have any COVID-19 related questions or if you need any assistance with your
organization’s COVID-19 response. We are here to help.

William L. Kerr, MD,
Chief Executive Officer

Healthcare in 2025: Navigating Challenges, Driving Change, and Unlocking Opportunities

Tuesday, January 28
2 – 3 p.m. EDT

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