Avalon President Featured in HealthcareNOW Radio’s “HLTH2023: What Did They Think?”

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Avalon President Pamela Stahl Reflects on HLTH 2023 in a Healthcare NOW Radio Feature

In a recent Healthcare NOW Radio feature, Avalon President Pamela Stahl shares her thoughts on HLTH 2023.

HLTH did not disappoint. This was my first year attending this dynamic and curated event in person. I found it a powerful venue to share our latest innovations in lab insights. Engaging with other healthcare leaders and sharing transformational initiatives is invaluable. It’s clear accelerating the drive toward value-based care remains top of mind and was the focus of many engaging sessions.”

Read the full article at Healthcare NOW Radio.

Healthcare in 2025: Navigating Challenges, Driving Change, and Unlocking Opportunities

Tuesday, January 28
2 – 3 p.m. EDT

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